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 [Divers] Les 25 moments qui ont défini l'Attitude Era (

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[Divers] Les 25 moments qui ont défini l'Attitude Era ( Empty
MessageSujet: [Divers] Les 25 moments qui ont défini l'Attitude Era (   [Divers] Les 25 moments qui ont défini l'Attitude Era ( EmptySam 6 Oct - 20:06

Indice de probabilité : 5/5

[Divers] Les 25 moments qui ont défini l'Attitude Era ( Attitude-era-logo

Citation :
It's difficult, if not impossible, to pinpoint the exact birth of the Attitude Era. With its close association to "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, some might choose to trace the transformative era back to the heretical speech Austin gave during his King to the Ring coronation in 1996. Others might suggest the edgier "attitude" truly started becoming apparent in early 1997, when longtime kid-friendly hero to the masses Bret "Hit Man" Hart threw up his hands in frustration and began unleashing profanities with a fury. A swathe of the WWE Universe likely contends that the Attitude Era began in earnest around the time Shawn Michaels named his union with Triple H "D-Generation X."

Whichever way you slice it, one thing's for certain: The Attitude Era was surely up and running by the time The Undertaker and his satanic Corporate Ministry attempted to marry The Phenom and Stephanie McMahon in an unholy matrimony.

It was iconic scenes like these that helped shape what is remembered as the era that thrust sports-entertainment into unprecedented popularity and exponentially grew the WWE Universe. The era was shocking, unpredictable and, at times, crass, and it transcended a single Superstar, match or event. Long-respected rules of the past were broken weekly, if not hourly, during the unapologetic Attitude Era. The "traditional" way of doing things was tossed aside and supplanted by a pulse-raising disregard for authority, censors and the status quo.

The Attitude Era was WWE thumbing its nose at the system, and the WWE Universe was right alongside for the thrilling ride.

#25 : La WWE rachète la WCW (Raw, 26 Mars 2001)

#24 : Les débuts du Big Show (St. Valentine's Day Massacre 1999)

#23 : Crash Holly déclare que le Hardcore Championship sera défendu selon la règle 24/7 (Smackdown, 2 Mars 2000)

#22 : "Stone Cold" Steve Austin rempli de ciment la Corvette de Mr. McMahon (Raw, 12 Octobre 1998)

#21 : La formation de la Corporate Ministry (SmackDown, 29 Avril 1999)

#20 : The Big Boss Man fout le bordel lors des funérailles du père du Big Show (SmackDown, 11/11/1999)

#19 : Mankind (re)devient Cactus Jack (Raw, 10/01/2000 & SmackDown, 13/01/2000)

#18 : The Rock est couronné "The Corporate Champion" (Survivor Series 1998)

#17 : The Undertaker kidnappe Stephanie McMahon (Backlash 1999 & Raw, 26/04/1999)

#16 : "Stone Cold" Steve Austin fait prendre une douche de bière à la Corporation (Raw, 22 Mars 1999)

#15 : Les débuts de Kane (Badd Blood 1997)

#14 : "The Greater Power" est révélé (Raw, 07/06/1999)

#13 : "This Is Your Life" (Raw, 27/09/1999)

#12 : Les débuts de Chris Jericho (Raw, 9/08/1999)

#11 : Triple H reforme D-Generation X (Raw, 30/03/1998)

#10 : The Montreal Screwjob (Survivor Series 1997)

#9 : Mick Foley remporte son premier WWE Championship (Raw, 4/01/1999)

#8 : Triple H se marrie avec Stephanie McMahon (Raw, 29/11/1999; Armageddon 1999 & Raw, 13/12/1999)

#7 : D-Generation X envahi WCW Monday Nitro (Raw, 27/04/1998)

#6 : Le premier Stunner de "Stone Cold" Steve Austin sur Mr. McMahon (Raw, 22/09/1997)

#5 : Bret Hart s'énerve (Raw, 17/03/1997)

#4 : "Tyson and Austin!" (Raw, 19/01/1998)

#3 : The Undertaker vs. Mankind - Hell in a Cell Match (King of the Ring 1998)

#2 : La formation de D-Generation X (Raw, 13/10/1997)

#1 : "Stone Cold" Steve Austin et son célèbre "Austin 3:16" (King of the Ring 1996)

Source :

[Divers] Les 25 moments qui ont défini l'Attitude Era ( Giphy
Palmarès WFA:


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