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 [Compétition] Kevin Steen absent de Glory by Honor ?

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Messages : 11527
Age : 36
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[Compétition] Kevin Steen absent de Glory by Honor ? Empty
MessageSujet: [Compétition] Kevin Steen absent de Glory by Honor ?   [Compétition] Kevin Steen absent de Glory by Honor ? EmptySam 13 Oct - 20:40

Indice de probabilité : 3/5 avait rapporté jeudi que le ROH World Champion Kevin Steen devait avoir une réunion téléphonique avec le COO de la ROH, Joe Koff, pour lui adresser ses revendications s'ils veulent le voir apparaitre à Glory By Honor XI samedi soir où il doit défendre son titre contre Michael Elgin?

Dans la video ci-dessus, postée sur le site de la ROH, Kevin Steen a indiqué quelles sont ses revendications :

- Une commission de 80% sur les ventes des produits à son effigie
- Des photos de Paul Turner dans divers costumes
- Les parents de Jay Lethal doivent etre banni de tous shows de la ROH
- Ne plus jamais lutter contre Jay Lethal
- Le Package Piledriver redevient légal

- Gatorade illimitée dans les vestiaires des SCUM

La ROH a indiqué que Steen se ferait retirer son titre s'il ne se présentait pas au PPV
Citation :

As for Ring of Honor's position on his demands, although officials did state that they would strip Steen of the belt if he did not show up at "Glory by Honor XI", essentially accomplishing their goal of removing Steen as champion, a monkey wrench was thrown into those plans in the conference call mentioned above. That roadblock came in the form of a potential lawsuit from Steen for what he and his lawyer are calling "unsafe working conditions" due to the events of "Killer Instinct".

What this boils down to is that, quite honestly, Kevin Steen holds some leverage over ROH officials who will likely do anything to avoid a lawsuit. Steen told them he would be willing to drop the threat of litigation if his demands are met so he has that weighing in his favor.

In addition, ROH is certainly concerned about not delivering on the advertised main event, one we know fans are clamoring to see, and are afraid of tarnishing the integrity of wrestling's most prestigious title if it were to be vacated.

ROH officials see that situation as if they do not meet the World Champion's demands, and if Steen were to sue ROH and disrupt the scheduled main event, then this could also damage the company to a point of no return. Given that Steen has repeatedly stated his goal is to kill the company, many at the higher corporate level feel that by stripping him of the title, ROH would be essentially helping Kevin accomplish said goal, and would deliver a huge blow to the company that everyone loves.

Will ROH officials meet the demands of the World Champion or will we see Kevin Steen take his ball and go home rather than face Michael Elgin? We shall see on Saturday night at “Glory by Honor XI (”...

Source : PWInsider

[Compétition] Kevin Steen absent de Glory by Honor ? Giphy
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Orange Sanguine
Legend never die
Orange Sanguine

Messages : 12186
Age : 21
Localisation : Akihabara (un jour peut-être)
Humeur : m'en foutisme

[Compétition] Kevin Steen absent de Glory by Honor ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Compétition] Kevin Steen absent de Glory by Honor ?   [Compétition] Kevin Steen absent de Glory by Honor ? EmptySam 13 Oct - 20:43

Bigre, ils essayent de relancé la feud ROH vs Steen, et accesoirement mettre du grain à moudre dans la rivalité Lethal/Steen.

"C'est parce que la vitesse de la lumière est supérieure à celle du son, que tant de gens paraissent brillants avant d'avoir l'air con."

[Compétition] Kevin Steen absent de Glory by Honor ? Lol-sk10

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[Compétition] Kevin Steen absent de Glory by Honor ?

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