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 [Divers] Décès de D.C Drake

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Messages : 11527
Age : 36
Localisation : au 7ème ciel avec LuFisto, Xia Li, Rosemary et Beth
Humeur : Pourriture communiste !

[Divers] Décès de D.C Drake Empty
MessageSujet: [Divers] Décès de D.C Drake   [Divers] Décès de D.C Drake EmptyMar 4 Déc - 17:49

Indice de probabilité : 5/5

[Divers] Décès de D.C Drake 01

Nous apprenons aujourd'hui le décès de Don Stallion plus connu en tant que "Mad Dog" D.C Drake.

Drake fut l'un des pionniers de la lutte indy dans les zones du New Jersey et de Philadelphie.
Il fut d'ailleurs TWA Heavyweight Championship à la Tri-State Wrestling Alliance, qui était en fait les touts débuts de la ECW (Quand la TWA a cessé son partenariat avec la NWA, elle est devenue la Eastern Championship Wrestling, renommée plus tard Extreme Championship Wrestling).

Divers blessures et opérations au coude et à l'épaule l'avait forcé à prendre sa retraite en 1991.

Il "revint" à la ECW en 1994 dans un angle légendaire où tous les anciens champions voulaient dégager Cactus Jack de la ECW, angle qui vit le retour de la légende Terry Funk

On ne connait pas encore les circonstances du décès.

Il avait 55 ans.

[Divers] Décès de D.C Drake Giphy
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Messages : 4195

[Divers] Décès de D.C Drake Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Divers] Décès de D.C Drake   [Divers] Décès de D.C Drake EmptyMar 4 Déc - 19:23

55 ans............C'est tôt pour partir RIP

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Hall Of Famer

Messages : 4907
Age : 29
Localisation : Atlanta, GA

[Divers] Décès de D.C Drake Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Divers] Décès de D.C Drake   [Divers] Décès de D.C Drake EmptyMar 4 Déc - 19:43

Un passif sur l'alcool ou la drogue ou autre ? En effet, 55 ans, c'est trop tôt pour s'en aller..
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Messages : 11527
Age : 36
Localisation : au 7ème ciel avec LuFisto, Xia Li, Rosemary et Beth
Humeur : Pourriture communiste !

[Divers] Décès de D.C Drake Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Divers] Décès de D.C Drake   [Divers] Décès de D.C Drake EmptyMer 5 Déc - 14:13


The Blue Meanie via Facebook:

Citation :

Apparently the news of DC Drakes passing is a false rumor. Luckily is is STILL with us according to his sister Carlee Stackhouse via her FaceBook page. Sorry for falling for this rumor and bumming anyone out.

Les joies d'Internet...

[Divers] Décès de D.C Drake Giphy
Palmarès WFA:


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Messages : 11527
Age : 36
Localisation : au 7ème ciel avec LuFisto, Xia Li, Rosemary et Beth
Humeur : Pourriture communiste !

[Divers] Décès de D.C Drake Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Divers] Décès de D.C Drake   [Divers] Décès de D.C Drake EmptyJeu 6 Déc - 1:55


D.C Drake a tenu à rassurer tout le monde en contactant le PWInsider

Citation :

Last night I was informed by my sister that my obituary appeared on several wrestling news sites. Her first question to me was “Are you ok?” and my question to her was, “If you thought I was dead, why would you call me?”

I remember a profound piece of advice I received from several old timers in the wrestling business when I started in the sport, “Never believe your own publicity” and in this case, I am more than pleased to follow that advice.

In reading some of the reports, I must say I was flattered and humbled by the nice things people were saying about my wrestling career and although the circumstances under which these words were written are not necessarily what I would want them to be, the memories that flooded back to me gave me pause.

Paul Heyman’s words were especially meaningful given the many hours he and I spent “in the trenches” trying to build a strong Northeastern Independent Wrestling scene.

Regarding my health, yes I do have serious heart problems which include multiple surgeries and heart attacks. I did briefly use steroids under a doctor’s care however I don’t blame anyone or anything for my health issues as I made the choice to take a short cut and must take responsibility for my own actions. But with every negative comes a positive and I try to make the most out of the lessons I have learned in life.

Professional wrestling allowed me to see and do things I would never have had the opportunity to do in any other profession. I traveled the country and the world and met good people and bad people, witnessed the damage that drug and alcohol addiction can do to professional athletes and sadly watched the passing of many young men I have worked with in the business. This has helped motivated me to continue in the career I had before wrestling and now after wrestling.

As many of the articles stated, I am the director of a substance use disorder treatment program for individuals afflicted with HIV/AIDs at the Shattuck Hospital in Boston, working for Victory Programs, Inc. Even with my health issues, I am blessed to be able to wake up every morning and do something I truly enjoy and am dedicated to. I certainly hope to be doing this work for many years to come. Happy Holidays to all. If you would like to contact me for follow up, my email is

[Divers] Décès de D.C Drake Giphy
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[Divers] Décès de D.C Drake

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