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 EVOLVE en Chine du 10 au 16/11/2014

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Messages : 11527
Age : 36
Localisation : au 7ème ciel avec LuFisto, Xia Li, Rosemary et Beth
Humeur : Pourriture communiste !

EVOLVE en Chine du 10 au 16/11/2014 Empty
MessageSujet: EVOLVE en Chine du 10 au 16/11/2014   EVOLVE en Chine du 10 au 16/11/2014 EmptySam 1 Nov - 18:13

EVOLVE en Chine du 10 au 16/11/2014 Evolve17

Show du 10 Novembre (Golden Sport Hall du CITIC Guoan Grand Epoch City de Hebei)

DGUSA Open The Freedom Gate Title Match
Ricochet (c) vs. Chuck Taylor

DGUSA Open The United Gate Title Match
Trent Baretta & Caleb Konley (c) vs. Fire Ant & Silver Ant

SHINE Title Match
Ivelisse (c) vs. Su Yung

Special Challenge Tag Team Match
AR Fox & Rich Swann vs. The Bravado Brothers

EVOLVE Ratings Match
Johnny Gargano vs. Biff Busick

SHINE Showcase Match
Allysin Kay vs. Mia Yim

Egalement annoncés Timothy Thatcher, Jody Kristofferson, Earl Cooter, Larry Dallas, Lacey


Show du 12 Novembre (Wen Jiang Sport Center de Emei)

Special Six Man Tag Team Main Event
Ricochet, Rich Swann & AR Fox vs. Fire Ant, Silver Ant & Chuck Taylor

DGUSA Open The United Gate Title Match
Trent Baretta & Caleb Konley vs. The Bravado Brothers

SHINE Title Match
Ivelisse (c) vs. Allysin Kay

The Rivalry Goes To China Part 1 - EVOLVE Ratings Match
Biff Busick vs. Timothy Thatcher

SHINE Showcase Match
Mia Yim vs. Su Yung

Special Attraction Match
Tracy Williams vs. Earl Cooter

Egalement annoncés Johnny Gargano, Jody Kristofferson, Larry Dallas, Lacey


Show du 14 Novembre (Emei Sport Hall de Chengdu)

DGUSA Open The Freedom Gate Title Match
Ricochet (c) vs. AR Fox

FIP World Heavyweight Title Match
Trent Baretta (c) vs. Rich Swann

Classic Feud Comes To China
Johnny Gargano vs. Chuck Taylor

Grudge Tag Team Match
Fire Ant & Silver Ant vs. The Bravado Brothers

EVOLVE Ratings Match
Timothy Thatcher vs. Caleb Konley

SHINE Showcase Tag Team Match
Ivelisse & Mia Yim vs. Allysin Kay & Su Yung

Egalement annoncés Biff Busick, Jody Kristofferson, Earl Cooter, Larry Dallas, Lacey


Show du 16 Novembre 2014 (MasterCard Center de Pékin)

DGUSA Open The Freedom Gate Title Match
Ricochet (c) vs. Johnny Gargano

Special DGUSA Open The United Gate Three Way Match
Trent Baretta & Caleb Konley (c) vs. The Colony vs. The Bravado Brothers

SHINE Title Match
Ivelisse (c) vs. Mia Yim

The Rivalry Goes To China Part 2 - EVOLVE Ratings Match
Biff Busick vs. Timothy Thatcher

Special Attraction EVOLVE Ratings Match
Rich Swann vs. AR Fox

EVOLVE Ratings Match
Chuck Taylor vs. Jody Kristofferson

Egalement annoncés Allysin Kay, Su Yung, Earl Cooter, Larry Dallas, Lacey

Source : catchfans

EVOLVE en Chine du 10 au 16/11/2014 Giphy
Palmarès WFA:


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EVOLVE en Chine du 10 au 16/11/2014

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