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 CZW Night Of Infamy / WSU Breaking Barriers du 8/11/2014

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Messages : 11527
Age : 36
Localisation : au 7ème ciel avec LuFisto, Xia Li, Rosemary et Beth
Humeur : Pourriture communiste !

CZW Night Of Infamy / WSU Breaking Barriers du 8/11/2014 Empty
MessageSujet: CZW Night Of Infamy / WSU Breaking Barriers du 8/11/2014   CZW Night Of Infamy / WSU Breaking Barriers du 8/11/2014 EmptyVen 7 Nov - 18:14

CZW Night Of Infamy / WSU Breaking Barriers du 8/11/2014 CZW110814ShowGraphic

WSU Breaking Barriers

WSU World Championship
Lufisto (c) v. Jenny Rose

WSU Spirit Championship
Niya Barela (c) v. Tessa Blanchard

WSU Tag-Team Champ JT Dunn v. Kimber Lee *

WSU Tag-Team Champ David Starr v. Annie Social *

*Si Social et Lee remportent leurs matchs, elles obtiendront un match pour les  WSU Tag Team Titles

The Rematch
Hania 'The Howling Huntress' v. Athena

Ladies of Cosplay Do Battle
Brittany Blake v. Leva Bates

D'Arcy Dixon v. Mickie Knuckles

Cherry Bomb v. Solo Darling

Nevaeh v. Jewells Malone

Sassy Stephanie s'adressera au public à propos de ses actions envers LuFisto lors du dernier show.

CZW Night Of Infamy

CZW World Heavyweight Championship
The Front's Sozio (c) v. Blk Jeez

CZW World Tag-Team Championship
OI4K (c) v. Buxx Belmar & 'Speedball' Mike Bailey

CZW Wired Championship - Panes of Glass Match
Shane Strickland (c) v. NOI's Devon Moore

Beaver Boys v. Papadon & Pepper Parks

Chris Dickinson v. Mr. Tofiga

Scramble Match to Name #1 Contender for Wired Title
Latin Dragon v. Alex Colon v. Joe Gacy v. ? v. ? v. ?

CZW Night Of Infamy / WSU Breaking Barriers du 8/11/2014 Giphy
Palmarès WFA:


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CZW Night Of Infamy / WSU Breaking Barriers du 8/11/2014

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