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 [Contrat] La NXT va accueillir une tag team indy renommée

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Black Bolt
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[Contrat] La NXT va accueillir une tag team indy renommée Empty
MessageSujet: [Contrat] La NXT va accueillir une tag team indy renommée   [Contrat] La NXT va accueillir une tag team indy renommée EmptySam 26 Mar - 13:08

Indice de probabilité : 5/5

[Contrat] La NXT va accueillir une tag team indy renommée Mcwdf010

La WWE vient d'annoncer la signature des lutteurs australiens Michael Nicholls et Shane Veryzer, opérant en tag team à travers le monde sous le nom "The Mighty Don't Kneel". Nicholls et Veryzer ont notamment lutté à la Pro Wrestling NOAH :

Citation :
Tag team specialists The Mighty Don't Kneel sign with WWE

Australians Michael Nicholls & Shane Veryzer — who've competed around the world as The Mighty Don't Kneel — have signed with WWE and will report to Orlando next month.

One of the globe's most decorated tag teams is on its way to the WWE Performance Center.

Michael Nicholls and Shane Veryzer have signed with WWE and will report to the WWE Performance Center in early April to begin training as part of a new class of recruits, has confirmed.

Hailing from Perth, Australia, the duo — known to fans as Mikey Nicholls and Shane Haste, aka The Mighty Don't Kneel — has competed on their home continent and beyond, achieving their greatest notoriety in Japan under the banner of Pro Wrestling NOAH. While there, Nicholls & Veryzer trained in Japan's rugged dojos, crossed paths with the likes of current NXT Superstar Hideo Itami and former ECW Champion Masato Tanaka, and won the league's heavyweight tag team titles twice.

TMDK also developed a reputation for innovative double-team maneuvers, and were voted the top tandem of the year by members of the Japanese media in 2013. It was the first time that non-Japanese competitors had won the award since 1998, when Vader and soon-to-be WWE Hall of Famer Stan Hansen were honored. It is currently unknown whether Nicholls & Veryzer will continue as a team or pursue individual competition in NXT.

Source : Wrestlinginc

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Elias Samson - Heath Slater / Tyler Breeze - Tyler Breeze
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Orange Sanguine
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Orange Sanguine

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[Contrat] La NXT va accueillir une tag team indy renommée Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Contrat] La NXT va accueillir une tag team indy renommée   [Contrat] La NXT va accueillir une tag team indy renommée EmptySam 26 Mar - 13:28

Des Australiens plus connu sous les noms de Shane Haste et Mikey Nicholls !

"C'est parce que la vitesse de la lumière est supérieure à celle du son, que tant de gens paraissent brillants avant d'avoir l'air con."

[Contrat] La NXT va accueillir une tag team indy renommée Lol-sk10

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[Contrat] La NXT va accueillir une tag team indy renommée

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