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 [Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour)

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Black Bolt
Best in The Asylum
Black Bolt

Messages : 14305

[Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour) Empty
MessageSujet: [Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour)   [Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour) EmptyJeu 23 Juin - 18:19

Indice de probabilité : 5/5

[Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour) Maxres11

La Ring Of Honor vient officiellement d'annoncer le départ de Roderick Strong avec cet article :

Citation :

Goodbye… For Now.

Roderick Strong Departs Ring of Honor

Roderick Strong told ROH officials that he plans to leave the company after Saturday's TV Taping in Concord, NC to pursue other opportunities. This brings to conclusion an amazing run of success lasting nearly 13 years in Ring of Honor. Immediately after his announcement, Roddy sat down with to provide exclusive quotes for a look back at his tenure with the company.

It was September 20, 2003 at the Murphy Rec Center in Philadelphia, PA, where it all began in Ring of Honor for Roderick Strong. A young, muscular upstart with movie star looks made his way into the ring and proved immediately that he had the tools to be something very special.

"After seeing ROH for the first time I immediately went and put "Wrestle for ROH" at the top of my goals. It was everything I wanted as a fan. As a wrestler, I knew getting there and staying there would be a difference maker for my career" said Strong. "As I prepared to walk through the curtain, all I could think was, 'don't screw this up!' Honestly, I felt I was still very young but I couldn't be more prepared for whatever opportunity I would be given". Little did anyone know that Roderick Strong would become a stalwart for Ring of Honor over the next decade.

They say you can measure a true athlete's greatness by the amount of championships he has held and Strong's championship resume is befitting a wrestler of his caliber. In 2005, he teamed with Austin Aries to win the ROH World Tag Team Championship. In September of 2010, Roddy ended the 7 month reign of Tyler Black to become the ROH World Champion. In March, 2012 he would defeat Jay Lethal for the ROH World Television Championship to become the 2nd ROH Triple Crown Champion. He would capture the ROH World Television Championship once more in October of 2015.

When asked what winning championships meant to him, Strong said, "The championships I won all carried a different feeling and were amazing for very different reasons. Winning the ROH World Tag Team Titles was something special because I was always a huge fan of tag team wrestling and holding it made me the best. To be considered part of the best tag teams in the world was an honor. The ROH World Championship was something that meant a lot because it was validation from Ring of Honor that all the miles, working through injuries, time lost with my family was not lost. I was in a position where the pressure is at its highest and they knew I could get the job done. Both of my TV title wins came at important points of my career. They helped show not only me, but my peers and the ROH fans my growth as a performer".

Source : Wrestlinginc

Pool catch saison 6 :

Finn Balor - Finn Balor - Seth Rollins - Karl Anderson / AJ Styles - Kofi Kingston - Jimmy Uso - Shinsuke Nakamura
Elias Samson - Heath Slater / Tyler Breeze - Tyler Breeze
Nia Jax / Charlotte
Akira Tozawa
Billie Kay - Andrade Almas

Dernière édition par Black Bolt le Lun 1 Aoû - 18:46, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 4103
Age : 29
Localisation : Oui
Humeur : Everything is XL about me

[Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour)   [Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour) EmptyJeu 23 Juin - 19:54

Welcome to NXT Roddy !

[Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour) Maxres11

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Road Warrior

Messages : 2971
Localisation : Toulouse

[Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour)   [Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour) EmptyVen 24 Juin - 0:29

KXL a écrit:
Welcome to NXT Roddy !
Very Happy Very Happy
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Black Bolt
Best in The Asylum
Black Bolt

Messages : 14305

[Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour)   [Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour) EmptyLun 1 Aoû - 18:53


Strong à la WWE, c'est sûrement pour bientôt, puisque Jim Ross sur son blog, et Dave Meltzer pour le Wrestling Observer, ont chacun de leur côté annoncé son arrivée prochaine...

Source : 411Mania

Pool catch saison 6 :

Finn Balor - Finn Balor - Seth Rollins - Karl Anderson / AJ Styles - Kofi Kingston - Jimmy Uso - Shinsuke Nakamura
Elias Samson - Heath Slater / Tyler Breeze - Tyler Breeze
Nia Jax / Charlotte
Akira Tozawa
Billie Kay - Andrade Almas
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Orange Sanguine
Legend never die
Orange Sanguine

Messages : 12186
Age : 21
Localisation : Akihabara (un jour peut-être)
Humeur : m'en foutisme

[Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour)   [Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour) EmptyLun 1 Aoû - 22:38

Et pis il a fait son discours d'adieu à la PWG ce week-end !

"C'est parce que la vitesse de la lumière est supérieure à celle du son, que tant de gens paraissent brillants avant d'avoir l'air con."

[Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour) Lol-sk10

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Palmares WFA-WAF:
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[Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour)   [Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour) Empty

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[Contrat] Une top star quitte la Ring Of Honor (Mis à jour)

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