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 [Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ?

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Black Bolt
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[Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ? Empty
MessageSujet: [Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ?   [Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ? EmptySam 17 Déc - 1:49

Indice de probabilité : 3/5

[Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ? Hq72010

Selon le Wrestling Observer, Les officiels de la WWE seraient intéressés par un retour d'Eli Drake (Shaun Ricker) dans la compagnie. Ricker avait participé à des darks matchs en 2006 et 2008, avant d'être engagé dans le WWE Performance Center en mai 2013. Il avait ensuite débuté à NXT en tant que Slate Randall en août 2014.

Le problème le plus évident serait bien sûr le contrat actuel de Drake avec la TNA. Dixie Carter avait annoncé une nouvelle signature pour Drake avec la TNA en mai dernier, sans préciser la durée du contrat.

Drake avait été licencié par la WWE paraît-il pour son utilisation de Twitter, et un mail envoyé pendant son contrat avec la compagnie.

Il s'était exprimé en 2015 sur son passage dans la compagnie :

Citation :
"I was on the black list there for a while. One of the guys who used to work in Talent Relations – I'll leave him nameless – he got fired around early 2012, apparently not very liked in the back anyway; I guess he was kind of a jerk to a lot of people, for whatever reason, would bury me in the office. So I was kind of just, nobody could touch me; nobody would touch me. So for a lot of years it was frustration and wondering what I'm working toward and why isn't these guys taking my calls. And I finally started getting some of the details of why this guy was burying me. There was talk of them picking me up in 2011, I was there for SummerSlam, and then and the follow-up Raw and SmackDown, and everything went incredibly well. But all of a sudden it was like radio silence on their end and I hadn't quite understood why until I spoke to this person, and he was like, "Well, we're gonna go in a different direction." I'm like, "OK?" and he's like, "You can check out Ring of Honor or TNA or whatever."
"So I think maybe five months after I had spoken to him on the phone, he'd gotten fired, which was a great day for me. I don't wanna see anyone lose their job, but if you've keeping me out of a job, here's to ya. So, I was more than happy to see him go. And so this new guy comes in, and the beauty of it is that with the footage I had from (Championship Wrestling from Hollywood), I would take some of this great-looking television footage that was on every week and put it together with a short little paragraph just introducing myself and a resume and some photos. Emailed it to this guy and he immediately responded to me and was interested but then found out that I was on this blacklist or whatever. So for the next few months I had to just wait and keep trying to establish this rapport. Eventually, these tryouts kept getting pushed off. First he offered me a tryout until he found out that I was on the blacklist. Then, a few months later I got offered a tryout but simultaneously, I also was offered a TNA tryout. So, my TNA tryout was on a Thursday and my WWE tryout was actually that following Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I was ecstatic because I have the two biggest companies vying for me and it's perfect. Thursday I go into Impact and that goes well, then Sunday I get an email and I'm told that I can't come to the (WWE) tryout. They couldn't say why, but I'm pretty certain it was because there was a lawsuit going on between TNA and WWE at the time."

Source : Wrestlinginc

Pool catch saison 6 :

Finn Balor - Finn Balor - Seth Rollins - Karl Anderson / AJ Styles - Kofi Kingston - Jimmy Uso - Shinsuke Nakamura
Elias Samson - Heath Slater / Tyler Breeze - Tyler Breeze
Nia Jax / Charlotte
Akira Tozawa
Billie Kay - Andrade Almas
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Messages : 6880
Age : 30
Localisation : Under a six sided ring
Humeur : Aqueuse

[Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ?   [Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ? EmptySam 17 Déc - 10:36

Il a une bonne exposition à la TNA et est vraiment apprécié par les fans ce serait bizarre de partir direct vers NxT

[Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ? Bfg10

Pool catch:

Xavier Woods - Rollins -Big Cass - AJ Styles - Alberto Del Rio - Ambrose
Heath Slater - Jack Swagger - Erick Rowan - Kane
Becky Lynch Paige
Alexander Wolfe

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Messages : 4103
Age : 29
Localisation : Oui
Humeur : Everything is XL about me

[Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ?   [Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ? EmptySam 17 Déc - 16:38

E. Li. Drake.  cheers

Un de mes coups de cœur de quand je me suis remis à la TNA.

[Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ? Maxres11

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Grand Slam Champion

Messages : 3601
Age : 25
Localisation : Arkham Asylum

[Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ?   [Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ? EmptySam 17 Déc - 18:41

Je n'ai pas assez suivi son parcours pour me prononcer, et je suis plutôt déçu qu'ils n'aient pas envisagé un retour de ECIII, le "repackaging" le plus réussi de ces dernières années.
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Messages : 6880
Age : 30
Localisation : Under a six sided ring
Humeur : Aqueuse

[Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ?   [Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ? EmptyDim 18 Déc - 12:48

Parce que EC3 est heureux à la TNA et qu'il en veut toujours à la WWE?

[Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ? Bfg10

Pool catch:

Xavier Woods - Rollins -Big Cass - AJ Styles - Alberto Del Rio - Ambrose
Heath Slater - Jack Swagger - Erick Rowan - Kane
Becky Lynch Paige
Alexander Wolfe

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[Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ?   [Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ? Empty

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[Contrat] Eli Drake de retour à la WWE ?

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