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 [Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2015

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Messages : 11527
Age : 36
Localisation : au 7ème ciel avec LuFisto, Xia Li, Rosemary et Beth
Humeur : Pourriture communiste !

[Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2015 Empty
MessageSujet: [Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2015   [Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2015 EmptyVen 19 Fév - 12:04

Indice de probabilité : 5/5

[Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2015 12334210

Wrestler of the Year
Seth Rollins

Jay Lethal
Roman Reigns
John Cena

Tag Team Of the Year
The New Day (Big E, Kofi Kingston et Xavier Woods)

The Young Bucks (Matt et Nick Jackson)
The Wolves (Davey Richards et Eddie Edwards)
reDRagon (Bobby Fish et Kyle O'Reilly)

Match of the Year
Bayley vs. Sasha Banks

NXT Women's Championship
NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn

Feud of the Year
Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker

John Cena vs. Kevin Owens
Seth Rollins vs. John Cena
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Kazuchika Okada

Most Popular Wrestler of the Year
Dean Ambrose

Brock Lesnar
Finn Bálor
Shinsuke Nakamura

Most Hated Wrestler of the Year
Seth Rollins

Ethan Carter III
Kevin Owens
Bray Wyatt

Most Improved Wrestler of the Year
Roman Reigns

Nikki Bella
Sasha Banks

Most Inspirational Wrestler of the Year

John Cena
Kevin Owens
Roman Reigns

Rookie of the Year

Tessa Blanchard
Braun Strowman
Dana Brooke

Stanley Weston Award (Lifetime Achievement)
Roddy Piper

Comeback of the Year
The Undertaker

Roderick Strong
Daniel Bryan

Woman of the Year
Sasha Banks

Nikki Bella

Source : Wikipedia

[Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2015 Giphy
Palmarès WFA:


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Messages : 4103
Age : 29
Localisation : Oui
Humeur : Everything is XL about me

[Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2015 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2015   [Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2015 EmptyVen 19 Fév - 19:36

Les 4 premiers et le dernier c'est les Freaks Awards  lol

[Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2015 Maxres11

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[Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2015

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