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 [Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016

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Messages : 11527
Age : 36
Localisation : au 7ème ciel avec LuFisto, Xia Li, Rosemary et Beth
Humeur : Pourriture communiste !

[Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016 Empty
MessageSujet: [Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016   [Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016 EmptyVen 13 Jan - 22:47

Indice de probabilité : 5/5

[Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016 Pwd_8410

Le Pro Wrestling Illustrated vient de révéler ses récompenses pour l'année 2016.
Pour rappel, le PWI Magazine est totalement kayfabe (et pro-WWE)

Wrestler Of The Year
AJ Styles (51%)

Kevin Owens (9%)
Dean Ambrose (7%)

Ont également reçu des votes : Finn Balor, Adam Cole, Bobby Lashley, Jay Lethal, Kenny Omega, Shinsuke Nakamura, Kazuchika Okada, Seth Rollins

Match Of The Year
AJ Styles vs John Cena (Summerslam)

Rookie Of The Year
Nia Jax

Inspirational Wrestler Of The Year

Most Improved Wrestler Of The Year
The Miz

Comeback Of The Year

Woman Of The Year
Charlotte Flair

Feud Of The Year
Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks

Most Popular Wrestler Of The Year
Shinsuke Nakamura

Most Hated Wrestler Of The Year
Roman Reigns

Tag Team Of The Year
The New Day

Des résultats plus détaillés seront ajouté dès qu'ils seront disponibles.

Source : 411Mania

[Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016 Giphy
Palmarès WFA:


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Mr. Wrestlepedia
Mr. Wrestlepedia

Messages : 5492
Age : 40
Localisation : Les Flammes de l'Enfer
Humeur : Tranquilo

[Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016   [Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016 EmptyVen 13 Jan - 23:27

A part Nia Jax, je ne vois rien de scandaleux compte tenu du contexte particulier du classement PWI.
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Luttologue bedonnant

Messages : 13096
Age : 39
Localisation : Trou de baal de Jabba le Hutt
Humeur : Est-ce que je vous ai parlé du dernier match 5 star d'Ospreay ?

[Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016   [Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016 EmptyVen 13 Jan - 23:43

AJ Styles n'a pas gagné avec autant de marge qu'ici tiens lol (et les nôtres n'étaient pas kayfabe lol )


[Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016 No_ma_10
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Black Bolt
Best in The Asylum
Black Bolt

Messages : 14385

[Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016   [Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016 EmptyDim 15 Jan - 20:37

Le magazine a souligné que Roman Reigns "made history", en étant le premier face de l'histoire du concours à être élu lutteur le plus détesté. Mister Green

Citation :
Here's a guy who fights honorably and abides by the rules. He has proven loyal and dedicated to family and friends. He always conducts himself as a gentleman, never ducks a challenge, and has managed to overcome the odds every time they seem stacked against him.
And the fans boo the crap out of him.

More than a quarter of our respondents cast their vote for Roman Reigns as the Most Hated Wrestler of the Year, marking the first time in the history of the PWI Achievement Awards that a so-called "fan favorite" has won this distinction.

Pool catch saison 6 :

Finn Balor - Finn Balor - Seth Rollins - Karl Anderson / AJ Styles - Kofi Kingston - Jimmy Uso - Shinsuke Nakamura
Elias Samson - Heath Slater / Tyler Breeze - Tyler Breeze
Nia Jax / Charlotte
Akira Tozawa
Billie Kay - Andrade Almas
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Messages : 4198

[Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016   [Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016 EmptyLun 16 Jan - 19:31

Most Hated Wrestler Of The Year
Roman Reigns

Cela fait moins kayfabe par ici Arrow lol
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Contenu sponsorisé

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[Divers] Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards 2016

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